Rail transportation
We work in import and export directions. Depending on your needs, we will organize single, combined delivery or form a full train using the necessary route.

Freight transportation by rail is cost-effective and versatile:
Predictable time
Safety (possibility of damage or theft of cargo from sealed containers is close to zero)
Minimal dependence on weather conditions
Our advantages
We also provide a full range of related services (consolidation, warehousing, packing, storage).
We provide our own fleet of railcars: open wagons, boxcars, fitting and universal platforms.
We deliver cargo of any volume and weight.
We provide our own containers of 20 and 40 feet.
We provide a simple form of cooperation: you send us an application for transportation, we take care of everything else, including paperwork.
Guaranteed cargo safety. SCL specialists control transportation at all its stages and ensure safe transportation of your cargo.
Send a request to calculate the transportation cost
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To speed up the calculation, please tell us about the departure and destination points, nomenclature and approximate weight of the cargo and special requirements.