Cargo insurance
Our experts will choose a company and insurance terms that fully satisfy your requirements. We will:
We are always on your side, so transportation safety and cargo security are among our top priorities.

Long distances, climate conditions, road conditions, human factor, force majeure circumstances - all these can increase cargo damage or loss risks. A reliable tool for managing such risks is an insurance contract.

SCL is working with insurance companies in Russia and around the world. Insurance partners are responsible for cargoes in their full value, and our clients are safe and confident to develop their business.
Analyze the characteristics of your cargo and possible risks
Determine the type of insurance, territory, period of time and amount of coverage
Take care of the paperwork
Offer a special price for the "cargo transportation + insurance" set.
Our advantages
Reasonable risk assessment
Document management in accordance with the customs of foreign contractors
Legal support and competent expertise in insurance claims
Large transportation volumes = favorable insurance terms and priority service
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To speed up the calculation, please tell us about the departure and destination points, nomenclature and approximate weight of the cargo and special requirements.